The Full Story
The main force behind Valdeniece Health & Beauty is a deep desire to help individuals achieve their short & long-term holistic health & beauty needs & goals. Whether you’re seeking help with basic nutrition, hygienic needs, or disease prevention through custom herbal teas, each client is individually evaluated by a professional Holistic Practitioner and provided with a well-researched and comprehensive plan they can follow for the rest of their lives. VDHB also caters to your beauty needs from hair, facials, makeup, & lashes. You will leave this Holistic Spa Environment feeling like the refreshed Bright Beautiful Goddess You Are!
About The Founder:
My name is Valerie Deniece I’m from Indianapolis, Indiana and currently living in Greensboro, NC. I’ve lived in Louisville, KY and Atlanta, GA. I am a mother of 3 Beautiful Children Boys ages 20 & 16 and A 1 year old Daughter.
I’m a Member of Virtuous Diamonds Social Club & A Eastern Star.
I started my Cosmetology Journey in the High School but wasn’t sure if I wanted to even go that path and didn’t finish. Went back at the end of 2014 & Graduated from Empires The Hair Design School in Greensboro in August of 2015 and received my Cosmetology License within a month of graduating. 😍🎉
In 2016 from June-August I took 3 certification classes.
1. Womb Healing Practitioner Course at Accredited Love My Womb Academy where I gained so much insight on self love, self care, & the history of Yoni Steaming, and how to run a business helping people take back our lives through sisterhood, healing, natural herbs, and manifestation. This is where tasted the most delicious feminine healthy tea called Sweet Yoni Tea founded and formulated by CEO Goddess instructor Tracey Bryant Swint which will be available to for my clients to sample & enjoy while they receive my steaming service. It contains a lot of properties to help in your feminine divine journey. This lead me to study different types of herbs for other interesting health reasons and concerns and their affect on the human body for healing and prevention uses☕️. I went in to learn about steaming and gained so much more that I offer myself and my clients.
2. Bartending (for fun) Which will be later used to make healing tinctures.
3. Became Official Notary/Signing Agent in the state of North Carolina.
I will continue to take continuing education courses yearly to make sure I offer my clients to cater to almost their every need. I aim to be as knowledgeable as I can about my services so I could share with the world. Learning is a ongoing life journey and I will be sharing what I know through my work. This is my love & my passion and I hope to work with each and everyone of you rather in person or online.
Peace, 💜, & Blessings
-Valerie Deniece aka Valdeniece
My services are offered at in
Greensboro, NC
A deposit must be made to secure your appointment.
Your health should be a main priority in your life, so don’t let it slip through the cracks. Valdeniece H&B Holistic Ministries is here to ensure that you stay on the right track to achieving all of your Holistic health & Beauty goals. Whether you are looking to manage weight, Reconnect with your mind, body, soul, or just pamper yourself there are so many ways Valdeniece H&B Holistic Ministries can help you do so. Take a look at the services offered below, and do not hesitate to get in touch if you have any questions.

Learn how paying attention to your womb could help you live a more fertile life. Almost everything need fertilizer to grow. Being fertile isn’t only for bringing in life but to also manifest what you want and need in your life by properly taking care of your womb. Here at Valdeniece Health & Beauty we will take time to get to know and help you get to know what your womb needs at the core center of your body to help you let go and release miseducation and past traumas to more forward in your spiritual growth and self care.

Yoni steaming, also known as vaginal steaming, is a practice in which a woman allows the warmth of herbal steam to permeate the exterior of her vagina.
Respected by healers around the globe, Yoni steaming is an opportunity to reconnect with your body and utilize the wisdom of plant medicine to heal your cycle.
✔ Significantly reduce pain, bloating and exhaustion associated with menstruation.
✔ Decrease menstrual flow as well as reduce dark purple or brown blood at the onset or end of menses.
✔ Regulate irregular or absent menstrual cycles.
✔ Speed healing and tone the reproductive system after birth.
✔ Treat uterine fibroids, ovarian cysts, uterine weakness, uterine prolapse & endometriosis.
✔ Assist with the repair of a vaginal tear, episiotomy, or C-section scar.
✔ Assist with the healing of hemorrhoids.
✔ Treat chronic vaginal/yeast infections, and works to maintain healthy odor.
✔ Relieve symptoms of menopause including dryness or pain during intercourse.
✔ Release stored emotions and tap into the energy that is our creative potential.
✔ Detoxify the womb and remove toxins from the body.
✔ Increase fertility

When dried herbs are placed in the hot water, the volatile oils that contain medicinal properties are released. A yoni steam works by applying gentle heat, as well as moisture that caries these volatile oils, to the exterior tissues of the vagina (the tissue referred to as the vulva). The warmth and moisture increase circulation to the labia, causing it to swell and expose the inner labial mucus membranes. These tissues are very porous and absorbent, and the bloodstream picks up the volatile oils can carry them into the inner reproductive system, including the uterus. Thus, the herbal steam increases circulation thins mucus and revitalizes the entire system, allowing it to shed unnecessary membranes and build-up. The result is a healthier, more pleasant cycle and a more connected woman.
Please do not hesitate to get in touch if you have any questions.
Open Me Up Herbal Tea
"If you have Asthma or get sick a lot this tea is what you need. I've been drinking this tea for a couple of years now and I don't even need my asthma pump anymore! She also makes other teas that can help with several other issues you may have going on."
TRobbs Greensboro, NC

"When we seek to discover the best in others, we somehow bring out the best in ourselves”
William Arthur Ward
Get in touch today to schedule your initial consultation with Valdeniece Health & Beauty via email, text, or social media!
Greensboro, NC, USA
Valdeniece Holistic Health & Beauty is a Holistic Health & Womb Wellness With Licensed Cosmetic Art Service Providers. We are not physicians, and do not claim to treat, diagnose, cure, or prevent any conditions, or disease. In these cases, please consult and visit your physician.
Click to Download
It is very important to download and complete these file prior to your appointment time to have customized blend just for you. It's a plus to have them emailed to me at lease 24 hours before your appointment time!
Each appointment booked should be DEPOSIT READY to send payment either by Cashapp, Paypal, or Square invoice sent after time of booking.
Here you will find details as to how to maintain your lash extensions, consent for service, and release of liability due to negligence on your part. Consent will only need to be signed once a year. Download and bring it with you to your appointment or sign the form prior to your appointment in office at the time of your service
This form is needed to formulate herbal supplements for your holistic healing!
***** Disclaimer*****
Valdeniece Health & Beauty is a holistic health & Womb Wellness Provider. We are not physicians, and do not claim to treat, diagnose, cure, or prevent any conditions, or disease. In these cases, please consult and visit your physician.